Monday, June 9, 2014

Not a Long Weekend, part 1

May 23-25, 2014. Busan and Geojedo, South Korea

Between the time I left school on Friday and my arrival back in Cheonan on Sunday night, I rode one train, four taxis, five buses, and two ferries. My total travel time was....a lot. I was going to wait for an extended weekend to visit one of the islands in the southeast, but I jumped at the invitation to join 6 fellow Fulbrighters on their 2-day-weekend island adventure. It was a pretty cool group of people that I don't normally get to see, and I had no plans.

The fountain at Dadaepo Beach (left), and a view of Busan from Amy's apartment (right).

Southern Busan is where my weekend began, at a new park next to Dadaepo Beach, where I took in an epic fountain show and then joined Amy and Anna for dinner. Crashed at Amy's place, and the three of us bussed our way to Geojedo, where we met up with the rest of the crew (save Andrew C. who had a heck of time getting there). We arrived at our penion (가시버시펜션) after a beautiful, 40-minute taxi ride (buses aren't very frequent or easy to navigate there).

We had a great view of this island from our pension, and continued to have amazing views of it on our walk to the harbor.

We settled in and then floated away on a ferry ride. Oedo Island (pronounced "way-doe") was our destination, and what a strange destination it was, with its extremely well-manicured gardens/trees/landscaping and sometimes creepy statues. We had about 2 hours to walk around and photograph everything and everyone, so I'll let the photos and captions do their thing.

The port at Oedo Island.

These guys surrounded the ferry in hopes of snack-throwing children. They weren't disappointed.

This is a popular shot of Oedo. The colonnade/garden/sculpture setup is beautiful, but very strange to see in Korea.

Fruit-bearing, toga-wearing ladies one minute, creepy, tiny elves the next.

Did I mention that there are some spectacular views from this island?

Anna, Rachel, and Amy (and the Orange Ajumma), doing what they do. They don't mess around.

The hedge-lined path cutting down diagonally is called the "Stairway to Heaven." Really. Also, take note of the rows of shruberry trimmed to look like stone walls.

We grilled pork bits with mushrooms and garlic for dinner, which we ate outside on the screened-in patio. Andrew C. arrived in the middle of the meal, and an hour later, we sprung a surprise birthday cake on Anna, ate chicken, and finished the night with Cards Against Humanity.

What a good-looking group of people! We've got Andrew, Amy, Birthday Girl Anna, Rachel, Carly, Yours Truly, and Andrew C. And birthday cake.

No worries, I won't end this blog post with poopy diapers. But really, check out Cards Against Humanity.
It's open source, so print it out and play with your friends (most definitely not with your parents).

This is the harbor where we boarded the ferry to Oedo Island, and a preview for part 2 of this blog post:

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