Friday, December 13, 2013

Snowy Cheonan

December 11th and 12th, Cheonan, South Korea.

We got snow!

Lots and lots of snow.

Not a big difference between the color and black and white versions of this one.
Which meant a lot of being cold and being wet in that snowy way. And lots of almost dying on sidewalks. They didn't shovel or even salt the roads, so it took a couple of days for the roads to clear up, but even now, 3 days later, there is ice and snow still on the sidewalks and anywhere that doesn't get a lot of car or foot or bike or whatever traffic. So every trip outside is an adventure.

And my students have been loving the snow, of course. As I was leaving school on Friday, I ran across 6 students in the hallway that were carrying something large between them. The large thing turned out to be...another student. I knew what they had in mind and I decided to tag along to, you know, make sure that it didn't get out of hand or whatever. I also just really wanted to watch as they dumped the poor kid in a pile of snow outside and then proceeded to lift his shirt up and pack snow in there and just generally make him uncomfortable and unhappy. Oh, how I don't miss middle school.

But despite the cold and the being wet and dangerous and scary things, I absolutely love snow. Snow is, in fact, one of the very few redeeming factors of winter (the only other major one being sweatpants, obviously). I love the way it just spreads light around and dresses everything up. It makes me think of crappy Christmas songs and awesome Christmas songs and how awesome it was to get a snow day growing up. Hot chocolate, wassel. That time my car decided to not listen to me and just do a 180 for funsies. And fireplaces!

I didn't spend too much time outside, but I managed to get a lot of photos that I'm super happy with. Hope you enjoy and hope it's a little bit warmer where you are, if that's what you're into. 

Just look at that face!

From a short walk after school on Friday.

I had put my camera up because it was starting to rain or snow or something, but got it right back out when I saw these guys.

This one was about 10 yards away from his big, happier brother.

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