Sunday, January 5, 2014

My Mamiya

January 6, 2014.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas and all that. This guy has been a busy little bee: last day of school, Christmas, Korea travel with the girlfriend and her family. Etc. While in Seoul a few days ago, I decided I would get a few rolls of film developed that have just been chilling in my fridge for a bit. Three 120 rolls of Kodak Ektar, mostly photos I took over this past summer or even before I came to Korea, and a bare few from my current city since I decided to bring my Mamiya with me this year. This is the first time I've ever had lab-processed scans from this camera, and I'm really happy with them.

So yes, my blog has been vacant for weeks, missing Christmas and New Year's posts, and now I'm leaving you with film photos from neither holiday. I'll get back to that other stuff. 


A statue in Bernheim Forest, Clermont, Kentucky (left). One of the trails on Weolbongsan (월봉산), Cheonan, Korea (right).

Same statue as above. I was a happy camper that day. While it's obvious that someone placed that leaf there, it really wasn't me.

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