Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Jaunt to Boston

September 18, 2014.

Hello there! Today we're featuring a two-month-old set of pictures from a two-week-long trip to Boston, Massachusetts. On this particular day, I meandered around Harvard's campus while the ladyfriend was in class, and then meandered a bit around town with her when she finished.

Harvard's Memorial Hall (left) and Boston Public Library's Bates Reading Room (right).

This was my first stroll around Harvard's main campus, and I wasn't expecting to see the tours or the tourists or the people touching the statue's foot (still not exactly sure what that's all about). I mean, I know it's Harvard, but there were flocks of people all over the place and it just has to be weird going to school there. Sure, there were tour groups at UofL, but they were full of potential students and maybe one person had a camera. And they weren't really using it all that much. So there I was, a Harvard tourist with my giant camera hanging around my neck, trying to steer clear of the other Harvard tourists. I didn't take that many photos.

This fenceline ran around some buildings across from Memorial Hall. No idea what the numbers are for, but they look nice!
The best part of my this visit? Despite the giant camera and the slightly confused look in my eyes, someone asked me where something was located. I obviously had no idea, but I apparently looked like an Ivy League student. Or maybe I just looked less lost than everyone else around.

Memorial Hall and the neighboring firehouse.

The insides of Memorial Hall. Unfortnately, both rooms branching off of this area were off limits to me.

Really, the only pictures I took were at Memorial Hall. After that, me and Kaley were off to explore Boston a bit.

First up: Boston Public Garden. We walked. Sat down and chatted for a bit. Watched a small crew filming something. Thought about doing one of those swan boat things and then thought better of it.

Did I mention that it was a really nice day?

This is the view outside of...

Next up: Boston Public Library, which is right next door (more or less) to the Garden. We checked out the map room. Very cool. We walked around the courtyard and made our way upstairs to the Bates Reading Room and the Sargent Gallery. Odd thing, that. The murals were all very beautiful and some strange. It has been a long while since I've had an Art History class, and I never did an intense study into Sargent, but  there were patches of red in a few of them that seemed flat and incomplete. Maybe something to do with a restoration project? 
The central courtyard of the Library (left) and Kaley mimicking a statue on our way to the Library (right).

The Bates Reading Room.

We actually finished our visit with the staircase coming up from the lobby, which was wonderful because I like saving the best for last. 

Creepy faces? Check.

This was not my first day in Boston, but it was my first sight-seeing adventure in Boston. I got some quality time with a great person, the weather was perfect, and I got to explore a new place with my camera in tow. Not a bad start.

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